Announcing the OFFICIAL Gemma Vendetta Exclusive Loyalty Program!
Announcing the OFFICIAL Gemma Vendetta Exclusive Loyalty Program!
Every time you shop via the web store you will earn points!
How to Earn Points:
Spend $1, and earn 1 point
Reach 150 points and you'll earn a $5 Reward
Reach 250 points and you'll earn a $10 Reward
The more you shop, the more you're rewarded!
I'm also offering complimentary express shipping with every purchase over $50 to every Exclusive Loyalty Member - you must enter the following code at checkout, so store it somewhere safe, like you mobile phone's notes app. (That's my favourite way to remember everything!)
So what are you waiting for? Make sure you're signed into your account TODAY! If I've worked everything out properly in the 'back end' then as soon as you login you will be ale to see your points tally.
Thank you for your ongoing support, have an AMAZING week!
Made with love, Gemma
p.s. if you have any questions, please chat to me via the new website chat function and I'll get back to you asap. Photo: Israel Baldago